A MAGIC(O) mix of hardware solutions

No solution is good for everyone, but there are solutions that are good for you. Find here the right hardware configuration to help you in your job.
Agrismart supports all types of agricultural crops, answering the needs of companies that want to decrease production costs and increase the quality and output of the crops. The system is designed to work on a scale of thousand hectares and allows to monitor all requirements of the different crops.


Basic Unit – Efficient and simple

The Basic system supports all types of agricultural crops, answering the needs of companies that want to decrease production costs and increase the quality and output of the crops. The system is designed to work on several hectares (one unit every 15 ha) and allows to monitor all requirements of the different crops using several optional sensors.

- Battery with LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) technology connected to the SIGFOX network.
- No need of SIM cards. 

- Temperature and humidity on one  level
- Foliar wetting
- several optional sensors on request 

- Consultancy and support for choices.
- Trend and alerts (SMS; e-mail) on MAGICO – AGRISMART platform.
- Installation service mileage-based


Plus Unit – Efficient, simple and rich of data

The Plus system fits all agricultural crops and is the most complete monitoring system provided by Agrismart. Optimal for precision agriculture, it uses many different kind of sensors and allows to gather data in a clear and simple way. Meteorological/climatic sensors detect the external temperature, soil temperature, cold and precipitation requirements. External humidity, two-level soil humidity, and foliar wetting probes monitor the status of the crops and calculate the need or excess of water of the plot.

- Battery with LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) technology connected to the SIGFOX network.
- No need of SIM cards.

- Temperature, humidity and air pressure
- Temperature and humidity on one level
- Pluviometer
- Solar radiation
- Foliar wetting
- Cold hours (number)

- Consultancy and support for choices.
- Graphical trends and alerts (SMS; e-mail) on MAGICO – AGRISMART platform.
- Installation service mileage-based

Sensors for all needs


Measures air temperature and humidity and dew point to warn about the risk of frost or heat strokes.

Soil humidity and temperature sensor

Computes the volume of water in the soil, allowing to check irrigation and other treatments.

Foliar wetting sensor

Detects foliar wetting on both sides of the leaves to help prevent the spreading of infections.

Weather sensor

Sensore climatico

Includes an anemometer, a barometer and a rain gauge to inform about the quantity of wind, atmospheric pressure, humidity, rain, and temperature.

Solar radiations sensor

Measures the intensity of radiations responsible of weather and soil temperature, and humidity.

Always connected

AGRISMART uses LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) technology connected to the
SIGFOX/NETTROTTER network, the only network devoted to several applicationa that assures coverage both in Italy and Europe. This network is undergoing a global expansion process and does not use any SIM card.

Information is sent via radio, a safer way since it has a high degree of protection against tampering and a high resistance to interferences. AGRISMART  devices are sold with a connectivity bundle (device, access to the web platform, 24 months of SIGFOX-NETTROTTER connectivity).


Thanks to the Agrismart units and all connected sensors, you will obtain remarkable savings on your expenses, increasing the quantity and quality level of your production.


45% decrease


 38% decrease


Increase at field level

Management costs

Remarkable decrease


Magico is a Cloud platform designed to gather all monitoring data from the unit in the field. These data are always available to the user in a clear and simple graphic and tabled form.


A team of skilled agronomists is always available to the client to assure support and assistance for the most complex agricultural needs.
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